The Lebanon Softshore Academic Forum, which took place on June 8, brought
together the country’s academic and software industry leaders for a series of
talks and panel discussions.
The one-day event was organized by the “Lebanon SoftShore Cluster” (LSS), in
partnership with the “Ecole supérieure d’ingénieurs de Beyrouth” (ESIB) and the
“Institut National des Télécommunications et de l'Informatique” (INCI) at
Saint-Joseph University of Beirut (USJ).
The purpose of this forum was to address the significant gap between the
needs of the local software companies and the curricula provided by the Lebanese
educational system. Software development is one of the most sought after jobs in
the market today, yet the supply of graduates in the software development field
seems to be insufficient.
The panels addressed different topics, such as the employment needs and
challenges of the Lebanese software industry, the computing curricula at
universities and the role of multinational technology providers.
The objective of this forum was to be an initiation of issues that could be
solved, and to establish a platform of communication between the relevant
stakeholders for concrete and efficient follow up.